What Age Can You Leave a Child Alone
Linda Sarhan has been a freelance author and researcher for twenty+ years and has a B.A. in English language and creative writing.

Every parent must decide at some point in their parenting career what age to allow your child to stay at home alone. The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends adult supervision for children until they attain the age of eleven or 12 years old. But to be honest, at that place isn't a cookie cutter historic period. It seriously depends upon the maturity level and personality of each individual child. Several agencies and organizations have checklists upon checklists to consider before deciding whether your kid can stay home lonely or not.
In that location are some things y'all need to consider before decided whether your kid tin can handle being left lonely for any given time. Is your child mentally and physically able to care for him or herself? How does your child feel about staying home alone? Is he or she comfy with the idea or is he or she apprehensive about the idea? Does your child follow instructions well and obey all the rules? Can your child utilize the telephone properly? These are simply a few questions to ask yourself and discuss with your child.
There are safety problems that must exist addressed when because leaving your child at home. Make sure your child has contact numbers to contact you and other adults. Also, be sure they know how to contact emergency personnel in the issue of an emergency. It is besides a good idea to contact your local Red Cantankerous and enroll your child in first aid and other safety classes. Make sure your kid knows burn safety rules and fire escape procedures. The aforementioned goes for severe storms. We can't always predict the weather, and then does your child know what to do in the effect of a tornado, other severe storms, or an earthquake?
There are ways you can examination your kid to see if they are ready to stay at home alone. Be advised, these are not neglect rubber but it is a good way of testing the waters, and then to speak. Have the child stay home alone while not going to far from the home and in short time spans such every bit 15 minutes or so. This is a adept trial period for you and your child.
You can also role-play with your child. What if the lights go out? Teach your child what to do and take them walk through the procedures. What if in that location is a fire? Again, teach your child what to do and have them practice the routine over and over.
And so y'all retrieve your child is ready to stay home alone? Well, that may be but before you allow your child to stay home alone you should be familiar with the laws in your state. You as well need to empathise that although most states have no laws governing a minimum age to exit your child at dwelling house, they do have child neglect and child endangerment laws. Also, ALL states exercise not recommend leaving whatever child unattended in a vehicle. Allow's face it, no matter what country yous alive in, yous are responsible for your child until they become of legal developed historic period.

State Laws
Alabama -At that place is no minimum historic period law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Alaska - There is no minimum historic period law in this state. Information technology is left to the parents' discretion.
Arizona - Child Protective Services advises that children nether the age of 6 cannot care for themselves and thus should not be left alone. Information technology is not brash that children between the ages of 6 and ix be left at home for more than than 3 hours. This could event in a child fail investigation.
Arkansas - In that location isn't a law that mandates what the minimum age requirements are for leaving a child home lone, just most authorities suggest no younger than xiii years of age.
California - There is no minimum age law in this land. They practise suggest you lot wait until the kid is at least ten years old before considering leaving them home solitary.
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Colorado - At that place is no minimum age law in this state, however, at that place is merely a guideline of 12 years sometime.
Connecticut - There is no specific law regarding the minimum age to get out a child habitation alone. Nonetheless, many experts in the country suggest waiting until the child is at least 12 years erstwhile and that children should be at least xv years old earlier caring for younger siblings.
Delaware -At that place is no minimum age law, but Partition of Family Services will investigate a child left lonely if a report has been made on a kid under the historic period of 12. The volition also investigate reports of children over 12 years of age if they exhibit signs of a disability.
Florida - There is no minimum age law in this country. Information technology is left to the parents' discretion and the condition of their surround.
Georgia - Children betwixt the ages of 9 and 12 can be left alone for upwards to two hours. Children xiii-17 may non be left lonely for more than 12 hours.
Hawaii - There is no minimum age police force in this state. Information technology is left to the parents' discretion.
Idaho - There is no minimum age law in this country. Information technology is left to the parents' discretion. It is brash, notwithstanding, to await until at least 12 years erstwhile before assuasive them to stay home alone.
Illinois - In this state if you go out your child abode alone before the child reaches the age of 14, y'all will be charged with child neglect. Juvenile Court Act, 705 ILCS 405/2-3(1)(d)
Indiana - There is no minimum age police force in this state. However, most law enforcement officials in this country recollect that leaving a child under the age of 10 is ill-advised. They suggest waiting until at least 12 years former.
Iowa - At that place are no laws governing a minimum age requirement in this state.
Kansas - Technically there is no law regarding age requirements, but Safe Kids Kansas recommends children stay supervised until a minimum of 12 years onetime.

Kentucky - At that place isn't a law regarding minimum historic period, withal, Child Protective services said that if you get out a child nether the age of eleven yous may be investigated for child neglect.
Louisiana - The police force forbids parents from leaving a modest nether 10 without adult supervision. Offenders can get to jail for up to a year and be fined $i,000.
Maine - At that place is no minimum historic period police force in this land. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Maryland - The police requires that no child exist left alone under any circumstances if the kid is under the age of viii. It does say that a 13 year onetime may babysit a child under the historic period of 8. A person who violates this law is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon confidence is subject field to a fine not exceeding $500 and/or imprisonment not exceeding 30 days. Maryland Family unit Law Article 5-801.
Massachusetts - This state has no laws set for the minimum historic period. Instead they determine on a example past example footing.
Michigan - At that place is no law established regarding minimum age, but Child Protective Services will pace in if they believe neglect is involved.
Minnesota - There are no laws set in this state, just guidelines to consider prosecuting child neglect. It is advised by the state's attorney role that children under 7 should not exist left alone, children ages 8-nine should not be left unattended for more than two hours, children ten 13 should non be left alone for more than 12 hours, and children 14-17 should not be left unattended for more than than 24 hours and must have adequate support adult supervision.
Mississippi - There is no minimum historic period police force in this state. Information technology is left to the parents' discretion.
Missouri - There is no minimum age law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Montana - There is no minimum age constabulary in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Nebraska - There is no minimum historic period law in this land. It is advised even so, to wait until the child is at least 11 years old before determining whether to leave the child habitation alone.
Nevada - I could not find laws specifically mandating a minimum age. I did, however, find Nevada's definition of child fail. "NEGLECT: Abandonment, failure to provide a child with supervision, food, education, shelter, medical care, etc." The way it is worded you lot may not leave your kid at dwelling alone at any age under eighteen without being possibly charged with child neglect.
New Hampshire - There is no minimum age law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
New Jersey - At that place is no law mandating a minimum age, only they encourage that you detect supervised intendance for your child.
New Mexico - This state does not take state laws regarding minimum age. They exit it up to each city or canton to decide. For example, Albuquerque's metropolis code requires children to be at least xi years old. Check with your local city for their laws.
New York - At that place are no laws stating a minimum age requirement, but New York Kid and Family Services suggests no earlier that 12 or thirteen years of age should be left alone.
Due north Carolina Constabulary
§ 14-318. Exposing children to fire. If any person shall leave any child under the age of eight years locked or otherwise confined in any dwelling, building or enclosure, and go abroad from such home, edifice or enclosure without leaving some person of the age of discretion in charge of the aforementioned, and so every bit to expose the child to danger by burn, the person then offending shall exist guilty of a Class ane misdemeanor.
N Carolina - There is no juvenile code regarding minimum requirements but this state'southward burn code Grand.South. xiv-318 does. It states that if you leave a child under the age of viii alone without supervision this is a fire hazard and you volition be found guilty of A Class 1 misdemeanor.
Northward Dakota - At that place are no laws regarding minimum historic period, but the Department of Human Services has their ain policies and guidelines. Children ages 0-8 must not be left alone under any circumstances. Children ages 9-11 should non be left alone for more than two hours. They are also not immune to exist left home lonely after dark and should not be in accuse of caring for other children. Children who are 12 years or older may babysit simply simply subsequently completing an approved child care training course. Children under the age of 15 should non be left solitary overnight.
Ohio (Revised) - There seems to be some disagreement regarding what is permissible and what is not in the state of Ohio. Some of the comments below, although unverified of actual credentials of the individual past their own word in the comments and unsure if whatsoever of them accept passed the Ohio bar to accurately verify an interpretation of Ohio police force, suggest that there is non a governing age to which parents tin or cannot get out their child domicile alone. Withal, upon numerous calls to the official agencies, at that place seems to be also an inconsistency in responses. Some case workers say 18, others say information technology is up to parent discretion and/or the circumstances involving the case. So as parents be proactive in your rights to parent your ain child. All I am doing is passing on the information, every bit inconsistent as it may be, to you the parent to brand your own informed choices.
But according to this state's child endangerment and child fail laws, as was cited by the case workers mentioning the age restriction, (ORC 2919.22(a) Endangering children.) parents are prohibited from leaving a kid under the historic period of 18 unsupervised. If y'all go out your kid who is under the historic period of 18 dwelling house alone then you are "violating a duty of care, protection, or support." Too refer to ORC 2151.05 Child without proper parental care. An individual case worker and prosecutor may or may not use this law against you.
Withal, as others have reported in the comments below affiliating themselves with said agencies (unverified), this police has no begetting on what age is advisable to leave your child home lonely. And so all I have to say to parents is that you lot have information presented from both sides of the contend and good luck.
Oklahoma - There is no minimum historic period constabulary in this land. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Oregon - The laws states that the kid must be a minimum of x years old earlier considering leaving him or her alone. It also advices that yous understand the child neglect laws considering if the kid gets hurt while left alone you will be charged with child neglect in the 2nd degree which is a Course A Misdemeanor.

Pennsylvania - At that place is no minimum age constabulary in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Rhode Isle - Since I could not discover any written information regarding this issue, I chosen various kid welfare agencies to gather data. They all agreed that even though there is no laws governing the age to consider leave a kid abode alone, a parent must consider the kid neglect and endangerment laws since the parent or guardian is responsible for the child until he or she becomes a legal adult.
S Carolina - There are no set laws in this country, but state agencies say no child under the age of 8 shall be left solitary.
S Dakota - At that place is no minimum age law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Tennessee - In that location is no minimum age law in this land, but it is advised by country agencies not to leave children under the age of ten unsupervised.
Texas - There is no minimum age law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Utah - In that location is no minimum age law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Vermont - I could not find any laws regarding this issue so I chosen the central part of the Department of Children and Families. They confirmed that there is no laws governing the minimum historic period for let children to stay abode alone.
Virginia - There is no minimum age law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Washington - There are no set laws in this land, just state agencies say no child under the age of x shall be left alone.
West Virginia - There is no minimum historic period law in this state. It is left to the parents' discretion.
Wisconsin - There are no set laws in this state, simply country agencies say no kid under the age of 12 shall be left solitary.
Wyoming - There are no set laws in this land, but state agencies say no kid under the historic period of 12 shall be left lone.
Creating a checklist of your ain rules regarding them staying habitation is essential. Be sure to postal service this listing in a clearly visible location. This gives them a constant reminder of what is expected of them and what to do in the upshot of diverse emergencies or situations. For example, do you experience comfortable with them cooking while you lot are away? If not, accept snacks available that don't involve cooking.
Telephone call your children to check how it is going. Don't pester them, but telephone call ofttimes plenty then that you are making yourself available to them the all-time style you tin can. If you personally can't call them, have a trusted friend or neighbor exercise this for you. Also, something to accost is a rule of my own. I take told my children not to respond the phone unless 1 of the canonical numbers comes up on caller ID.
Another safety rule to drill into their heads is to lock the doors and windows. More and more predators harm children of all ages because they gained piece of cake access to the dwelling. I tell my children to never answer the door when they are home alone. From time to time I exam them on this. I knock on the door and move out of the line of sight to encounter if they open the door. So far, they take fabricated me proud. I likewise tell them to keep the television, radio, and video games downwardly low so that people won't know they are home.
Every bit you can run across there is a lot to consider before allowing your child to stay home alone. The best advice I can give yous is to know your child and know the laws. Also, be prepared by teaching the child the skills they need before allowing them to stay domicile lonely.
This content is accurate and truthful to the best of the writer's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2022 Linda Sarhan
Max on November 26, 2018:
Yes exactly if you lot live in ohio , trust me they dont follow the police in anyway they practice whatsoever they desire ohio is the worst country dont expect the courts to follow the laws ohio laws are all like that they write it the laws in a style that they tin practice whatsoever they desire , and they do! If you have to bargain ojfs, good luck , im a 100 % disabled vet who pays 2500 a month in child back up for one kid that i am not allowed to see. My child back up order is for 1300 a calendar month but they garnish my benefits and automatically have it out every bit well . Skilful luck finding an attorney in ohio or any kind of justice in the state of Ohio. Not really the buckeye state more than like the dark-brown eye state .
Joe on June 20, 2018:
I alive in Georgia my son just turned thirteen year old and his dad is giving me bug well-nigh him staying home he is very mature for his age and knows how to apply the microwave to set him food and I leave him all contacts and go over procedures if there's a fire or emergency
fluuffball on October 30, 2017:
im happy that many places dont take the rules
Elijah Krause on October 07, 2017:
If y'all lock your doors people volition just break the window, no point really
Jade on January 01, 2017:
I think that if no 1 does anything about it, the age to exist left alone will be raised to 18! It is already happening! Parents are arrested and sentenced to death for but leaving their 17 twelvemonth olds for one second! This stinks!
Linda Sarhan (author) from Lexington KY United states on July 30, 2016:
I live in Kentucky. As I said, In that location isn't a law regarding minimum age, withal, Child Protective services said that if you go out a kid under the age of 11 you may be investigated for child fail.
Withal, I was besides told by CPS that it depends on the maturity of the child. As well, if anything went wrong, accidental or not, such as a burn down for any reason, while not in the care of an developed, the parent tin can be charged with child endangerment and neglect. This refers to whatsoever minor nether the age of xviii. I also noted that it seems to depend on the amanuensis investigating if something did go incorrect. (God forbid)
I cannot legally suggest you either fashion. All I can practise is give you what CPS by and large says regarding Kentucky Law. Other than that, the decision is yours to make with communication and wishes of the custodial parent(south).
Faye Alford in Pineville Kentucky on July 29, 2016:
I take a 12 year old granddaughter. is it confronting the law to leave her home lonely from 1 to 3 hours. I'yard in Kentucky.
Patty Inglish MS from U.s.a. and Asgardia, the Get-go Infinite Nation on March 01, 2015:
Linda, congratulations on your article being highlighted past WOWK.Television receiver in West Virginia:
Linda Sarhan (author) from Lexington KY USA on Feb 27, 2015:
I have revised the commodity, yet again and for the terminal time for the country of Ohio. But perchance the inconsistencies in responses when one calls said agencies shows a lack of training and possibly you should work on correcting this problem within these agencies so it causes less confusion.
ODJFS on February 27, 2015:
I am Director of Communications at the Ohio Department of Chore and Family unit Services, which supervises the state's public children services agencies. Your data regarding Ohio is not authentic. Ohio Revised Code does non specify an age at which a child can or cannot be left at home. I trust yous will correct the article.
Benjamin Johnson
Director of Communications
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
thirty East Broad Street, 32nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Laura Smith from Pittsburgh, PA on Feb 25, 2015:
This is interesting. My parents would let my siblings and I abode lone for a few minutes at a time when I turned 9. We were ever worried that at that place was something incorrect with it, simply I believe that a kid's maturity should determine at what age they should stay domicile alone and for how long. I'grand surprised that near states feel the same manner.
Amber MacDonald on February 24, 2015:
Ok I am a niggling confused every bit to the Ohio rules. 18 is a little farthermost considering kids become their diver licence at sixteen and drive alone with no parents. Simply wondering if is a typo?
Linda Sarhan (writer) from Lexington KY USA on February 24, 2015:
I appreciate the feedback. I am just reporting what I take been told by an official government agency. As with some laws, perhaps it is more than of an interpretations for the courts. As another state bureau with a similar law said, if anything happens during the time that the child under the historic period of xviii is left alone, such as a burn down, then CPS, etc volition employ the law to press charges of neglect on the parent and/or caregiver. By this thought, if an electric fire started while the modest child is left domicile solitary, it does create a "substantial adventure" as any prosecuting lawyer would argue.
DaveC on Feb 24, 2015:
While ORC 2912.22(a) conspicuously states types of endangerments for children nether the age of 18, the lack of supervision is not 1 of them. Sounds similar the CPS in Ohio may be wanting to translate what they experience enables them to better protect children. But wanted to point out that at that place however remains no laws for the "supervision" of children in Ohio.
DavidW on February 24, 2015:
Aforementioned comment as above, without typos (apologies to those who fought through that):
Linda - as a xx+ year employee of a major metropolitan Kid Protective Services Agency in Ohio, I can tell you that in yous accept either misinterpreted the ORC or have been misled. The ORC states that no person who is a parent "Shall create a substantial risk of impairment" by violating a duty of care. ORC2919.01 defines "substantial risk" as a strong possibility something may happen. If a child has demonstrated a level of competence and maturity to exist unsupervised for a period time, that child is not necessarily endangered, regardless of age.
DavidW on Feb 24, 2015:
Linda - as a 20+ year employee of a major metropololian Child Protective Services Agency in Ohio, I can tell y'all that in yous take either misinterpretd the ORC or have been mislead. The ORC states that no person who is a parent "Shall create a substantial adventure of harm" by violating a duty of intendance. ORC2919.01 defines "substantial risk" equally a potent possibility something may happen. If a kid has demonstated a level of competence and maturinty to be unsupervised for a period time, that child is not necessareily endangered, regardless of historic period.
Linda Sarhan (author) from Lexington KY USA on February 23, 2015:
Jamie - Actually, I called Child Protective Services in Ohio. This is what they said and quoted the law ORC 2919.22(a) Endangering children. If yous leave your kid who is under the age of 18 home alone then you are " violating a duty of care, protection, or support."
Personally, I am not saying I agree with this totally. After all, I was babysitting at thirteen, but the law is the law and that is what I was referring to regardless of my opinion or yours.
Jamie on February 23, 2015:
The info for Ohio is non right. Ohio police doesn't specify an historic period. Non certain where you got your info since at that place'southward no source cited.
Rebecca Exist from Lincoln, Nebraska on August 12, 2014:
I found your article very interesting and the fact y'all listed each state's police force related to this is useful. Even though I don't' have children at dwelling I looked up Nebraska. I am surprised there is not more regulation in this area. Well off to option upward my husband.
Linda Sarhan (writer) from Lexington KY United states of america on August 12, 2014:
Very true.
Kevin Washburn from Macon, GA on August 12, 2014:
In my stance at that place isn't necessarily a set age at which information technology would exist acceptable to leave a kid alone for any period of time but rather should be determined past the parent giving preference of course to the college finish of the scale. Whatever child younger than say 10 or xi could still very probable be at a level of maturity that would go out them ill equipped to deal with an emergency situation. By the same token, a child as immature as 10, particularly if he or she is the oldest sibling could be more than mature plenty to deal with anything reasonable. I practice think that it is important to recall that children are just that, children and none should be left alone for long periods of time and expected to deal with any problems that clearly are of a serious enough nature that they should be either handled or at the very to the lowest degree supervised by an adult. Children learn by being given and expected to deal effectively with responsibleness. That does not however give whatever adult a license to corruption that state of affairs. As yous read the news sometimes these days, sadly it begs the question but who is the more than mature political party here the child or the adult. Fifty-fifty more than sad is that all to oftentimes the reply appears to exist the one-time.
Source: https://wehavekids.com/parenting/When-to-Allow-Your-Children-to-Stay-Home-Alone
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